The Enslavement
A desk job is always a trap, you would be chained to the chair from 9 to 6 , all you get to see is morning and night, some days you wont even be able to go for a break outside. We might love our jobs, but its enslavement, its also optional you can either accept that offer letter or not. But you will always have to go for that offer letter cause you need money right? You are conditioned to be here, there is only one right answer sometimes for some people, not everybody have alot of options, we choose whats best for our current situations. And if not work then marriage, or nothingness, I might still opt for nothingness. Marriage is not something you do, because you have nothing else to do right? But some people get married because they have nothing else to do, they always want someone to take care of them not just financially but in every ways. There is no equal give and take, just like there is no pleasing everybody. We are all working on a puzzle, the puzzle of our destiny, one piece at a time, it takes time to make some sense, but we wont get the complete understanding, we keep joining pieces at the hope of a prize, the prize would be different for each freedom, acceptance, importance, love, efficiency, leadership, name it!!!!! This enslavement doesnt start from any coorporates, it might start from our minds, we are a slave of our thoughts, there is no freeing from that !