DETACHED ATTACHMENT : The Journey from being a princess to evolving as a Warrior
The distance between being a princess and a warrior is all about realising that we cannot stop being real , it's a learning of self-love , awareness, acceptance and detachment. It's being affectionate to others but also preferring your peace. It's realising that you don't have to change for anybody at the same time you don't have to impose yourself on others. And also maybe learning it the hard way that "nobody is going to rescue you other than you". Get tougher on the inside and outside without losing touch of your soft feminine self. I have read somewhere that femininity and masculinity is present in all human beings and that made me think that, it's within us how we can let both forms coexist, making it more useful for our lives journey. When it gets tougher know that you are enough on your own, owning it and not living in anybody's expectations and shadow is a blessing .However small that life may seem to be, it cannot be priced, it's so valuable.