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The hidden "Psycho" in him

CHapter 1

This is based on a real incident and is a very sensitive issue too. We know so many people who are so outgoing, smart and charming and has a huge list of friends. They would be considered as the coolest people you have met. There would be too introvert and shy people too, who would look like having some mental issues in our eyes. But there are also some people who have multiple behaviours or variation in behaviour depending on the people they interact with or the situation they are put in. This is very strange and the tragic part is that many of them would not be recognized as having such a psychological issue by the world even not by their parents or siblings. But this condition is a very dangerous one.

So this is the story of Misha and her old classmate and friend David. Misha met her friend David in high school. Due to his outspoken nature and charming behaviour he had a lot of friends and attention. But he always had an eye for Misha which she noticed and due to which she eventually fall for him secretly. But as she was an introvert she hid her feelings inside. He on the other hand was flirting with all woman and was enjoying his school life. After they left high school they are talking to each other after 2 years , after joining the college. He was sweet to her initially so when he asked if she was in a relation she said no. And after his multiple questioning attempts she blurted out the truth that she had a crush on him.

Now this made the "man" in him wake up and the flirtatious nature was in the air. He started to show more care to her and made her feel special so she loved him more and started to spend much of her time with him through whatsapp. After the initial month he use to ask her to talk to him whenever he wanted. He would either text her to come online or call her and say. He would also call her and talk for a long time, say funny things, make her smile and tried to make her feel special.She became more inclined to him.But time to time he had issues with her dress, her photos,her shyness etc.Initially she thought it was her problem "oh....I think my dress is tight","Yeah, I don't know how to wear kajal" etc. but then one day he said he had an ex-lover with whom he still kept a friendship and he had girlfriend in college which he hid from her. She was shattered and stopped talking to him.

Chapter 2

Even though she couldn't believe he cheated on her she felt the need to move on with life. So she tried to arrange her thoughts and activities and to link them together. Slowly she started to be herself again.When he again came back with a lot of sorry's and sentiments. She gave in and asked him to be good again to which he gladly agreed initially. Again she was happy, but soon his attitude started to change, oneday he went to meet her in a family gathering and after seeing her dress he texted her saying "how dare you wear such tight dress?" and roared like a lion she got scared yet she replied calmly and sweetly that she will not do it again if it looked bad. Suddenly his character changed again and told "Its your wish what you should wear.Who am I to say!" and all. She noticed the change in behaviour yet thought it's his love for her.

But then after 2 days he came with another drama that his college girlfriend whom he broke up recently is again hitting on him and crying and pleading. She didn't know how to respond to it. He had already promised her that he would not leave her and now he is saying he was in a dilemma. She didn't say anything but was sad from inside thinking again if he goes back to her what will be the point of their relation. But again he broke up with her saying "You do not know how to wear kajal, my ex how beautifully she use to wear kajal!". This sounded more than enough for her, so she went offline in whatsapp, when he called her and asked what happened? initially she replied nothing but he wanted an answer and was not leaving her. So she said out in anger "Why do you do this again and again? Do you want me or not?" taking this as a reason he left her and after sometime she came to know he was back in a relationship with his college girlfriend.

She was under depression for months yet she survived the depression but again he came and this time he promised he is single and broke up with all the previous ties and he wanted her to stay. Initially she was hesitant but slowly he proved that he will never leave her by putting her first and telling her wherever he went and whatever he did.This gained her trust and she started to have hopes again but finally he left her for his first girlfriend this was the end of it she cut all contacts with him and left to restart her life again.

Chapter 3

Then her life was becoming happier as she spend her vacation with her family and then when she came back to college she had new hopes in her eyes. She met a man while on a trip and he proposed her after two week sof meeting and she accepted him after he talked with her mom.Then her life was the most beautiful one and she couldn't find anything that made her so happier than that. But unfortunately after one month their relationship broke off a shis marriage was fixed by his mother. And his mother was a widow and so he couldn't hurt his mom.

She was shattered again after getting so much of hopes again in life she was pulled down to nothingness. But in her worst nightmare also she didn't dream of David coming back to her. David texted her in whatsapp after 3 weeks of her breakup to make him her friend at least and begged. This time he played it well, he told he wanted to be friends with her only. He told he was in a new relationship and she told about her broken relationship.They started talking like friends but after a week David began to behave rudely to her again.

He started to abuse her, shout at her and also say about her lost love and complained her for loving someone else other than him.She couldn't understand what mistake she had committed. He was already in a relation and then why is he even bothered about her.After days passed his behaviour was slowly turning into the old one. Even though he had a girlfriend he started to control her and she felt awkward and wondered why he acted so weirdly.

Then one day he called her and said that he loves her but cannot marry her since he is not equal to her in terms of financial stability or living conditions, as he had already told about his ego towards her.Also he told her that he want her to not love someone until she gets married or love someone without telling him and only tell him once she is going to get married because he cannot bear it. She felt this really awkward.How can he ever think in such a way.If a guy liked a girl he would definitely marry her whatever happens and this guy wants an open relationship to be frank and the most worst part is that after being with him he wants to send her off to marry and live with another man.

After this incident she really began to think that this guy had some kind of mental issues.So she told everything about it to her close friend and also her mother and uncle.

Her friend told that he is a sadist and he keeps on doing the same thing to hurt her and if he truly loved her he wouldn't have talked this way.Her mom told her that he behaved like a psycho because any guy with senses will not talk like this. After analyzing the matter deeply and with the help of her friend and mother she came to a conclusion that he need to be stopped right where he is. So she texted him and said let's stop talking, sorry I cannot do this anymore.

Then he began to beg her not to block him and that he will remain a contact to her.Now guys, see the man's character; all his family and friends and even the society he live in thinks that he is avery normal person, cool dude, always helping and available for anything. But nobody knows that he has such an unstable mind.There are many people like this who are very outgoing from outside but no one will be able to know another face of them which will be cruel and can affect innocent peoples life badly.So we need to recognize such people and if we find such kind of people we need to stop them right where they are and give them proper psychological treatments.

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