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One day it will all make sense

Every broken pieces can be gathered,

And glued together,

I'm sure it will form some shape,

I'm sure it would make Some sense,

But it will bear the scars,

The pain,

Of being broken once!

And that pain is like an alert,

To move cautiously forward!

To move forward,

All we need is enough hope inside you,

To acknowledge what you are,

To feel proud of being you.

After all who set standards,

Who set standards to living, beauty, art,

Who set standards to the mark you score,

Or how fluently you speak,

Who set standards to popular, and cool?

To set standards to freaks!

When you judge someone ,

Beware you too are being judged,

When you make fun,

Beware you too are made fun,

When you break someone emotionally somehow,

It shows that You yourself are a broken one,

When you bully someone,

It is the shadow you bear,

And that shadow grows with every person you hurt,

And that shadow later takes on the identity of you,

You become it ,

And forever you will be known as it!

But every broken person heals,

When they heal they become so strong,

That it will be tough to break them again!

Everytime you heal ,

Your immunity increases,

Everytime you hurt,

Your immunity decreases,

Let's put it that way,

It's easy to understand someone's pain,

When you feel the same pain at some point!

No matter of you are broke,

One day it will all make sense,

Until then it is hope,

It is hope that you need to have,

Life is not mere survival after all,

It is special!

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