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What I wear & What you see

Selecting a dress to buy for you from a whole lot is a big deal isn't it? Finally after selecting and buying a dress when we wear it does people ask what we are wearing? Well, can't they really see what we are wearing? Or is it beyond the scope of their eyes or rather say their brains? What we wear is what we like but I seriously do not know what people see in it.

I always thought and still think the dress I wear, the food I eat, the music I hear, the places I go, the things I do etc are my own choice. Because that is totally for me and nobody else. I don't think I am hurting someone walking past me by wearing a dress of my choice or drinking a cup of beverage I like. It is solely going to affect me , if there is any harm and nobody else. And then why do people take up a lot of pain seeing us in a particular dress? I can't think of a day without someone staring at me for what I have worn. What is really descent? wearing a salwar? or saree? or jeans? or skirt? or shorts? Anything that makes us look confident and comfortable is what we have to wear. We don't need to wear any other persons choice, we have to wear our choice.

The other day someone commented on my leggings while I was in my dads village. I just wore a leggings and a short top. I have not shown my tummy or my back or my knees or any of those sacred places which need to be "sealed" according to the "good peoples" (as they acknowledge them) thinking.

And to be more precise I was with my dad that day visiting his family. The sad part is even if you cover yourself and be on your best behavior and greet all those people who speak behind our back they don't stop saying it. Its not just my incident but many other people.The worst part was that the person who found fault with it was a man above 45 years of age father to a 14 year old girl and the one who spread this news of my odd dressing was his wife who didn't even see me but was adding up all the spices to the meal cooked by her husband and feeding the hungry villagers to make their tummies full. So all the mummies and daddies and babies of that particular village after a long time had a rich meal, wow! and I was the big fat chicken to be cooked to fill their hungry stomach.

Shameless! I call them. I really call them "shameless" and totally "Jobless". That was not a bikini I was wearing to a village, it was just a top and leggings and the guy who commented my dressing was almost my fathers age. Even wearing a bikini or shorts or anything of that doesn't make a person bad but the dirty mouth who find words to spread about a person behind his back is really really bad. All they forget is that they are not saints either, if a person who looks at a girl his daughters age with a different eye is definitely not a saint. We don't want fake saints and fake god's, we want generous people who can be called as "human" in the real sense. So what I wear is totally my choice and what you see is yours. What I wear and what you see doesn't make me uncultured or bad but what rumour you spread will definitely make you uncultured and bad.

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