Someone New

There is someone new in my heart,
someone who I knew before.
But never thought of before,
in the same way as I do now.
Shy, I am.
Tensed, I am.
Excited, I am.
A mixture of feelings I have right now.
A part of me wants to talk to him more,
a part of me is pulling me away.
He doesn't talk much,
but when he talks I feel happy.
He is quiet by nature,
I have felt;
but don't know if it is so.
He is someone "fresh" in my mind.
He compliments,
sometimes when he does,
its a rare feeling;
I feel a little explosion in my body.
I don't know if this is love.
But there is something I know,
he makes me feel special;
maybe he may not know that he does so.