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Don't let anyone DRIVE you!

Don't let others "drive" you out of your situations , and by using the word drive here I mean misuse. We often get entangled in upsetting situations which don't even really concern us because we feel obliged in some way to continue through it to achieve certain results. For eg, You are going to a gym because you have a certain health condition and you want to be fit. But inturn they are calling you out as a fat person on multiple occasions , to serve their purpose that is to make you choose a bigger package , then it's clear manipulation and you don't have to let them "drive " you into it. Similarly you are in a relationship with xyz person, but that doesn't mean that person "drives" you. Being in a relationship is separate , and making your own choices is separate. We don't have to be answerable to anybody but ourselves. People utilise our insecurities and inferiority complexes and put it to their best use.Never be so caught up in your own lack of confidence to let someone else "drive" you. Sometimes the price we have to pay for later will be huge ! Many of the people I have known over the years from school, colleges etc have been so meek infront of their partners (now married/ unmarried ), they let their male counterparts choose what's best for them but how is it right ? You know what you want the best , not someone else. Self respect is something too valuable to loose for a person or a relationship or a deal. I used to feel sad for those women back then , they were just girls; so was I. I have tried to get a grip much earlier itself but it's too petty to let someone take the reigns of your life and desires. Ive also had friends back then who would let their boyfriends hit them or abuse them in some form and I used to think what was wrong with them to let the guy(s) hurt her. Why did she give her authority over to him? We often give the reigns of our life, our well being, to someone else and take a back seat thinking they might be better but they will only make it worse because there is nobody else who will know what's better for you than your own self. In Indian relationships and it doesn't have to be a romantic one, it can also be professional or any other ; but consent still takes a back seat, it's forgotten and I wonder why? We are in 2024 and I want all those teenage girls and boys reading this post , all the elders over 35 and more to know that it's our own will, you cannot decide for somebody else, you have no right ..even if you are the parent, or partner or sibling or friend or boss, it's not your place to decide for someone else. Don't let someone else misuse the power you have vested upon them , with your life.



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