A struggling writer
Who is a writer?
The one who changes,
their experience and imagination;
into something so magical.
Swords are their pens,
to injustice.
When you know that,
you have an inborn talent as a writer;
What will be your first search?
From whom did I accquire it?
isn't it?
A special quality I accquired from my dad.
It was in my genes,
to write.
I wrote my experiences,
I wrote my dreams;
fused reality and imagination in the right proportion.
Yet, the doors that I knocked,
didn't even unbolt themselves.
The publishers were not open;
to fresh writers I guess.
They wanted to keep their name up, maybe.
Let us go in the current way,
they thought.
Nobody is open to take a little change?
Automatic reply they send;
famous publications,
whom I approached through a mail.
Not even read the mail!
Programmed already,
they would send the same reply;
for every request someone made.
Efforts, were they;
reading them was a respect to it.
sad, I was to all of it,
but not broken;
I do believe in my talent.
I will continue,
to write.
passion, it is for me!
Support, I give myself.
Not a bit over confident,
yet I know I can do it.
Made for it,
yes, I was.
Struggling writer , you can call me;
but not a hopeless one in anycase.
Trust, I assure;
for the quality of my work for now and always.
Heart I put into it;
and mind goes along in an automatic way!
Struggling writer, I may be;
but not an incapable one.
So, I created a platform,
to publish what I have got.
I will always climb the steps.
The steps, which I have climbed before ;
from where I fall.
But will never loose hope,
as I believe in me!