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Who doesn't love chocolates?

with each bite,

do we have time to spell it out C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E-S?

I doubt.

Small toffees to big bars,

dressed in colourful wrappers;

they smile at us from the glass cases of shops.

We don't see if the shop is big or small,

All we see is the wrapped up bars.

Ruin, they will do to your teeths,

says many.

But do we do?

we are kids!

Little hearts pound for it.

The melted beauty in the hot milk,

they call it hot chocolate.

Chocolate milk shake they say,

for the chilled chocolate milk.

Hot or cold they are tasty for a drink.

Many-a-desserts can be made,

out of the attractive tasty thing.

Chocolate Mousse, chocolate cake,chocolate milk and many more.

What do we know?

We are kids!

Not small kids alone love the taste,

every bit of those magic thing;

older people too.

The child inside them are often unseen.

Who will refuse the taste?

which can make the tastebuds go crazy!

Made out of cocoa,

a precious plant for us.

Oh ! for god so loved the mankind,

he planted the magical cacao tree on earth.

Dark! White! they are called,

which ever colour,shape they be;

they are precious one for us.

They have so many addicts,

for ever and ever including me.

Age cannot change anything ;

about our love for chocolate.

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