1997, A happy November day
1997, was the year.
16, was the date.
What a happy morning?
A lovely woman in pain.
Brought to the hospital,
for her first delivery;
all confused and in pain.
Mother, stood besides her;
soothing her pain.
Husband, away in some other land,
prayed for her safe delivery everyday!
Even that very day,
not knowing that she was under labor.
Struggled, though for a very long time;
under tremendous pain.
Finally, heard a little cry!
Cute, was the face shown to her.
Happiness, was the small bundle.
Wrapped in white cloth.
Yes, it was a baby girl.
Feeling her kicking her mamma;
during these long nine months,
everybody thought it was a boy.
But surprise, it was a little bit of heaven!
A fair chubby one,
without a single hair on her head,
with big brown eyes and rosy lips.
Yes, happy was the day;
a mother was born!!