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Yes, I do.Do you really "do"?

"Marriage take place in heaven" I have heard it often. But the matter is do they really "do" with all that comes along with the marriage? Are we ready to accept a person like the way he is or is it forcefully or is it due to any other circumstances? We need to really think about it, for those who married just think if you really meant what you said "Yes, I do" or for those who are going to get married think before it is too late. When you say you do, you need to know that you are agreeing to live with a person knowing his/her character and accepting him/her whole heartedly.

Everyone has some percentage of devil and some percentage of angel in them. What we really need to find is the "Percentage". If we a person is good 70% we can say that we can live with him, but nobody is perfect. Nobody is 100% an angel. We need to know how good and how bad we are and accept it and if there is anything that can be changed we need to try for it. "Yes, I do" as we all know is better said than done. That is why most relations move towards divorces. How many of us have remembered or will remember those three words we have said or will say when we plan about getting a divorce or after taking divorce. What happened to all the promises of the life time commitments, the vows? suddenly they are nothing? Before we get married we have to make sure if this is what we need truly. The compatibility matter is not that easy as we think and if we think it will gradually happen then I am afraid in all cases it may not. That's why the family court still gives time for the couples to rethink and work on their relationship before they give up. We need to accept the fact that life is not a bed of roses . Life is something that can only be forwarded and we can never go backward to undo things. Nobody is perfect and if by chance , we made a mistake we need to rectify it with our deeds. The three words are very important and we need to recognize that this is the start of a "crucial" phase of our life. After we have said those words then it's everyday the same person and we are working on the spark to get things better and better everyday.

Two people born to different parents and was brought up in different circumstances will definitely have different opinions and other differences. But we should not use the word "Compromise" in life. when we use this word, we are sacrificing our life. We have to use the word "Understand" and see what you can do about it. Even when we say 'No pain , No gain' think if you can take up the pain all your life and remember life is a one time offer.

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