Silence, is another name for soundless scream.
Silence, is another name for knowing everything,
and pretending not.
Silence, is a mask,
indicating all is well;
even after knowing something is wrong.
Silence, best answer to a fool.
Silence, an offering to a cheating love.
Silence, the sindoor on the forehead.
Silence, the ring on the finger.
Silence, is the meaning of love,
when I sacrifice myself for you;
without expecting anything.
Silence, calmness before a destruction.
Silence, something that makes you matured,
but your heart miserable.
Silence, something that makes you rich,
yet poor.
Silence is a prayer.
Silence is a cry.
Silence is a fight.
Silence is a secret love.
Silence is an offering.
Silence is an ornament worn;
when all you say is not heard!!