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50 above and disturbing : Sexually frustrated and hypoactive !

I am going to narrate something disturbing that I have encountered from someone I know. Often the people who have a sophisticated image in the public, might be hiding something dark and twisted inside them. Don’t judge a book by its cover, as the saying goes, we need to always find the foxes hiding behind the familiar crowd.

There is this man, who is above 50, a known person to our family who claims and preaches god, and the values of Indians. He is keralite, and he is a dad of a woman and man who are in their twenties . These kids of his and his wife holds him in high regard as someone of great respect. Let us call him Tom for ease to understand these incidents I am going to narrate now (no offense to any tom’s out there). Tom’s wife is a patient and she is quiet sick, lets call her Abby. Abby is sick since a long time, perhaps from the time they have been married and this has caused a sexual frustration for his husband, tom. Sexually he has been dissatisfied for a long time as she cannot be sexually active due to her disease. Sometimes he and his family calls us, and we all have some chit chats. Once he and his wife in a video call told me (who is basically their daughters age) how they cannot have sex and how frustrating that is. They mentioned it like bottling up all their needs. Its nothing wrong to crave for physical intimacy at any age but to describe this to someone who is your daughters age is fucked up. He repeated the same thing later on further phone calls which was quiet disturbing because once said (even though strange ) we have tried to forget but again if the guy is trying to talk about how sexually frustrated he is a woman who is his daughters age, then thats something so faulty. I have told this to my mom who was both surprised (not at all in a good way) and wierded out at the same time. Later, while discussing with our dad how this guy speaks and acts, during another incident we had to mention what Tom told me and my dad was taken aback. My dad asked “why did he say that? What is his problem?” And my mom replied “ He shouldnt have said it to a girl his daughters age. “. But still thinking about his family we never painted a wrong picture of him to his family or anybody. Then this kind of conversation never occured with him, as I stopped talking to him even in the presence of our family members. But the way he tried to portray how he craved physical intimacy to a woman more than half his age was super weird and there is no weirdo box suitable enough to put that in and conceal it!

After this, multiple times he have taken about morale and holding high values, basically typical indian people thinking — a little narrowmindedness at most topics that popup even about his daughters marriage. He was bragging about how her fiance is a lawyer and how important it is for her to look after him! In todays modern world when men and women are equals, he is claiming that his daughter should look after her husband and his needs. But the cherry on top was much shocking and I’m going to reveal that hiding all his information in a screenshot. I was scrolling through my facebook feeds one day and usually we can find our friends comments to some groups or posts in fb right similarly I found his comment in one mallu dating group which is not a dating group but a group for sex both paid and unpaid, this was terrible to see! (Find the screenshot below, concealing his identity)

The comment you are seeing down by him means “where are you in calicut ( a place in kerala). He is asking the woman in the picture from where she is! He has a wife who is loyal to him and seeing this it just froze my mind.

Men above 50, are they so sexually frustrated and hypoactive? Even so, why can’t they just be loyal to their wives and keep it just between once spouce? Why are people running behind cheap solutions? How can any woman or society tolerate such third rated people? This scares me to think about men and I’m really sad thinking about his wife who has no idea about this.

I wanted to write this down, I wanted a few people to read this, because intimacy and staying connected to someone is a great thing, its healthy but random cheap behaviour like this when you already have a wife is unhealthy and terrifying , its cheating ones own spouce, there is no other name to call this kind of behaviour! #shameonmenlikethis



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