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Advantages of staying single from schooling to College

Are you someone who didnt have a relationship / dont have a relationship in school or college? Are you someone who like the idea of romance but havent experienced it during the time of studies and building up a career? Well, be happy because it is not something to be sad about , but rather an advantage. I had my first committed relationship after 21 which means after completing BTECH (college). While most of my friends had boyfriends during school or college, I never did. And like you, I too liked the idea of romance and hoped about having a nice uplifting movie style partnership. I thought all the others who were in relationship were so lucky they had someone to care, you know someone to say sleep well, or did you take your medicines on time or you look so gorgeous/ beautiful today or whatever you wear you look hot or appreciate on any of my smallest achievements. But I also used to feel that most of my friends relationships were toxic, I am not here to comment on others relationships but I could for sure identify that it was wrong for most of them because their studies were affected, some had emotional and physical violence / abuses. Those girls tried to normalise them but it was clearly toxic. Some of my friends were not allowed to wear revealing dresses or tight dresses, some not allowed to wear deep neck tops, and attractive makeups. But most of all, the drama. I hated the drama that was affecting my friends emotionally. I never knew the why anyone need a relationship until I turned 14. I was fascinated by peoples behaviour on romance, what got them so excited and happy I wondered ?! But when I was 14 I developed my first crush but I didnt approach the guy, I tested myself to see if it was just a crush or something more by giving it a 3 more years time by then I was in college. I always wanted to make sure that whatever I felt lasted in any of my interets not just relationship, thats how I knew what I should go for. It might not always be the best method but it worked for me. The biggest advantage of having no relationships until you have completed your schooling or college is that you get alot of ME time, to know you more, to love yourself more, you learn to grow with yourself. As the saying goes selflove is the first love and the best. If we cannot love ourselves, then we cannot love anybody. Secondly, when we face our problems on our own without a supporting figure, a comforting one who we approve of like a partner we tend to become more flexible, we will fall and learn on our own. Sometimes we wont fall. Supports tend to weaken us, from our purpose (not always). But when you know that someone is there to swoop you up in their arms, hold you and pamper you, then you wont grow independently. Pampering at a very early age can make us really dependent person, and later if the person leaves us we will not know what to do. Another advantage is that when we are alone not only we solve our problems but all the other small choices we make are done by ourselves, what to wear, which course to choose, which colour looks better on me things like that. Nobody will tamper with your mind, here you alone are taking the decisions. Its fun when you get to pick rather than being told what is good for you. Another thing is that you can analyse yourself fully when you are the one completely taking care of yourself, you can learn your strengths and weaknesses quickly which can help you focus on the next things you have to do in your life. You will learn to use your strengths for your best and you will learn to sharpen your knowledge or skills that you are weak on. Fifth and most important advantage is that you will have plently of time to do your homework, focus on your studies also manage your hobbies and extracurriculars without any distractions. Its difficult to find time for your hobbies when you make plans with others on a relationship at a younger age because then you will have combined goals and no/ less individual goals. It is good to always have individual goals but as young people we might not know the importance of it back them. The sixth advantage is you dont have to sacrifice on anything because you are single. Say friday you planned to go for your favorite movie with your friends and you booked tickets but then your boyfriend decides that you both need to spent the time together. Now this is the movie you were eagerly waiting to watch. Due to the pressure of considering another persons happiness over yours or being a good partner its most likely that you choose him/ her over the movie thus sacrificing what you really wanted. Now think about a much bigger sacrifice, you both decided to join colleges, you chose IT field and your partner arts. You both got admitted in different colleges, even though he/she made you apply in the colleges he/ she applied you didnt get selected or say he/she forced you to apply to the college they were going. Here you are forced to leave a long term goal that is about your career for someone. Another advantage is we get to date or know a little bit about the opposite or same sex before we find a partner, we get to explore thus enabling us to make much better choices by understanding what we need better. Another advantage / blessing is being able to understand and be with the people who take really good care of you who are your wellwishers, for them your happiness matters this includes your family and friends. You can celebrate occasions with them instead of running to your boyfriend, you can be with them more so you have memories with them. Remember time is very limited for each of us, we need to use it wisely. Sometimes turning others down just to be with your grandmother / grandfather is the greatest blessing because later you would be able to hold on those wonderful memories. There are alot of advantages to staying single until you are a certain age, apart from the things I have mentioned here. Take a paper, and make a list of the things you are happy about that you can do properly / or can focus more because you are single and it will surprise you to know how blessed you are. We are all born to discover, and for that we need to journey. Everyone collects gems on the way, some finds fake jewels and think for a while they are valuable, but we all learn. At each turning point of our journey, we can reflect on how far we have come and decide what next. At the end of the journey, you would have understood what all valuables you have collected over your lifetime and what lessons you have learned.



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