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Baby Proof your heart : Rejection Proof

"Rejection is human, is an opinion, and has a number. If I viewed other people’s opinions as the main judgment of merit—which is what I was doing when I took every rejection to heart—then mylife would be a miserable mess. I’d be basing my self-worth, and even the course of my life, on the whims and judgments of other people."

Completed the #selfhelp book "Rejection Proof: How I Beat Fear and Became Invincible Through 100 Days of Rejection" by Jia Jiang.

The book speaks about how to get familiar with rejection, to get a better hold of rejection and how we see them. We all have learned alot of things and are still learning, we all have goals and dreams but achieving that might not be the most easiest of task, you might face alot of failures and rejections. you might even feel like quiting and not looking back again. you might wonder why you even tried so much. But you have to know that everybody encounters rejection and that doesnt mean you are any less deserving. It simply means get a hold of yourself and your emotions, leave embaressement at the doorstep of your dreams. In the real world, you just have to try and try until you reach where you want to be.

Learn to not make rejection as a personal failure, take rejection as a number, as an opinion, it will change maybe at the 9th or at the 90th attempt, it will change based on the person you are pitching in your idea or who is taking your interview. Don't loose faith in your self and don't stop trying to give your best !

"The “universe” is made up of people with diverse and often polar opposite personalities, incentives, and backgrounds. Their reactions to a

certain request reveal much more about them than about the request itself."

"The only way to gain insight as to how other people feel is to imagine

ourselves in their situation, not just for a second or two, but until we can

use our own emotional compass to point to how they might be feeling.

To do so accurately, we need a good sense of their emotional landscape

—the context leading up to the situation in question."

For more book reviews follow the #instagrampage : @readerssnapshot



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