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Beauty beyond measurements: Watch yourself in minimal clothes/no clothes

This might sound crazy to you but let me tell you straight away that I have tried it, I still do it sometimes and it has made me love my body many folds than how I used to love my body before because I started seeing the beauty of my body when I started seeing myself naked / with minimal clothes when I am home, yes you heard it right. I am staying with my parents and two siblings in a two bedroom flat, I spent alot of time alone at home, or in my bedroom when I get my self-time. Self time is when I spent more time with myself without any external / minimal external distractions. It is when I am completely in sync with me and I feel me. It is when I take care of my body like my own child and cater to its needs. Brushing, bathing, or other cleanliness activities are our basic needs but also a part of self time activities. But beyond that, being creative with your body, to watching your body in a mirror, feeling the cold wind directly to your naked body, or on a cold day covering yourself in a blanket and staying in bed, going or a walk or any preferred regular exercise, eating good food, listening to good music, watching a nice movie, massaging your body or head, cooking,learning something new, being creative, all these things fall under the category of self time. I have included something fascinating to my self time, which can seem crazy but very effective in loving your own body. We might all be obsessed or in love with actors / models bodyshape, maybe even our neighbours, we might crave it for ourselves. But when we do this, we are starving our own body from the appreciation that it needs and so in this fascinating yet simple thing that I do for my selftime, I am increasing the love for my body, and its unexplored capacity to look and feel beautiful by staying with minimal clothes (like a bikini or my inner wears) staying home, doing my daily chores but now I get to watch my body. How it feels and looks when I stand straight, lie down, bent to pickup something, when I exercise or eat, all the curves, spots, skin , hair, and their movement. And trust me, it has given me great satisfaction, I have felt more energetic, I could observe myself more. How beautiful the shape of my body felt, how real it is, how every spot in my skin complemented my look, how my lazily fallen hair has added beauty to my skin without any makeup. And I started to feel more love and appreciation to my body. I even feel more thankful to god for creating me with such beauty. Alot of people run to get plastic surgery done, or other options to change themselves when all they had to see was how perfectly all our flaws add up to create a beautiful art, called ourselves. Get to know your body, to seeing yourself with minimal clothes and it definitely helps you feel closer to yourself and appreciate yourself. Your body is a huge part of your image, its a representation of who you are. Everytime you are able to appreciate your naked body, you are believing a little bit strongly in your body, and you are gaining confidence on how you look. When you do that you no longer will have the urge to look like someone else, but just be your plain old lovely self. Even scars are artistic or poetic, only if you looked long enough to see it with the change of the hour, in the sunlight and moon light, in darkness, maybe in the light of a table lamp, when water falls on it, how it looks when your skin is wet and dry, and when your skin stretches, and when you touches it. Watch yourself, discover new things in your body like a mole or a scar etc, find how you behave as you do everyday chores, observe yourself and love will happen organically. You will fall in love with yourself much quicker than you thought, and you would realise the love was already there within yourself, you just didnt know back then. When you give a chance to your body, you would fall headover heels in love with it. Because its been the most beautiful suit that carried you so gracefully in, which you could realise when you opened up for this experience. In the complete privacy of your home, its not a bad decision to see yourself naked, and observe how your body carries you throughout the day.



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