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Close your eyes & make a wish! 🥀

In my recent trip to pondicherry, I was hell-bent on visiting a new church with a historic significance and ancient vibe. I visted the church named “Our lady of Angels ” in white town, which is a catholic church. I loved the architecture, the peaceful environment, the holiness I felt in the premise. A diviness that cannot be explained in words, a contenment. My mother and grandmother keeps saying whenever you visit a new church say one our father, and 3 hail mary’s before you pray for your three wishes that you really want. Well, I took my wish there. We prayed together. If you believe in a supreme power then you can feel a surge of calmness washing over you, a hope, your faith getting renewed. If you are not a believer still you can find peace there. I prayed, 3 wishes from my heart. I knelt before god, closed my eyes and made my wishes. Then I held the hand of my love and I sucked on some air, because I couldnt hold my tears. I am in love and what more to wish for than togetherness. As I complete 4 years of togetherness unofficially with my school friend and love with whom I am in a long distance relationship , I can only see the possibility of moving forward in life. We are so compatible for each other and we never give up on each other. Now, my only wish is to revisit the church, but next time my relationship should be official and sealed in a legal agreement of commitment. I want both of us to be a family and raise our own babies into this world. May the lord give us strength to be the piller of support to each other, to love and cherish our bond for the time we have been given on earth and also to reunite in the afterlife ( if we can be!)



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