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Dear Caretakers : This is a letter for you.

Dear fellow caretakers,

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands your parents are placing on you? Do you find yourself stretched thin financially, forced to consider loans or marriage before you're ready? Are you burdened with responsibilities that exceed your means, such as paying for siblings' education? Do you fear that if you don't comply, you're failing your loved ones?

If you resonate with these struggles, this letter is for you. Know that you are not alone, and you are doing your utmost best. It's crucial to recognize that not all of your parents' burdens are yours to bear. Some may have arisen from their own choices and circumstances, and it's not fair for you to shoulder them alone. Taking on random loans or rushing into marriage shouldn't be decisions made under duress.

Your support for your parents should be within the bounds of what you can afford. If their needs exceed your current salary, it's okay to set boundaries and ask them to adjust their expectations. You're only capable of so much with your limited resources, and that's perfectly alright.

Release any guilt you may feel about not meeting every expectation. You are being true to yourself and doing your best given the circumstances. Strive to improve and grow, but remember to prioritize your own well-being and financial stability. You are enough, and you will continue to evolve into an even better version of yourself.

With solidarity,

One Among You



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