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Dear Child — Crime Thriller Series

Recently, nothing felt that captivating in netflix and so I kept browsing everyday for something that I could find my interest in which included all languages available in netflix , as a result of which I found the german series “Dear Child”, it had a single season with 6 episodes around 40 minutes each. From the begining the series was captivating with a hint of mystery that the story left in every episode until the final one. The story is about women abduction, but it starts as a missing case. A couple of women go missing and the case is left untraced. In another place, what seems like a very tiny home we are shown a mother named Lena and her two children Hannah and Jonathan. They are seen friendly and happy together, but the mother is always nervous. The house doesnt seem to have windows and nobody is seen going outdoors. Later, they show a man entering the house he is addressed papa throughout the series until the final episode. Papa is the father of Jonathan and Hannah , the husband of Lena. But his mannerisms and the families behaviour around him doesnt add up. As soon as he enters the house, everyone is expected to show their hands to him, to make sure their hands are neat and they dont carry any harmful objects in their hand. If their hands are found dirty then they are punished. Later, it is revealed that the woman with the children who looks nervous and tired are not their biological mother. It is then seen that, she is escaping the house and is hit by a vehicle. She is taken to a hospital and initially is thought of as a woman who went missing 13 years back called Lena Beck. But Lena beck’s parents upon visiting the woman in hospital mention that she is not their daughter. This investigation which has been dead for 13 years finally gets some headstart. Will they be able to fins the real Lena Beck? Will she be alive or dead? Who is this jane doe in hospital who is named as Lena? What happened to the children? Who is papa? Clearly, in the first episode it is revealed to us that something shady is happening and its a crime story. But soon, it turns into an abduction story. Even though this is a fictional story, we have heard through news and other channels many such abduction story of those woman who are kidnapped and abused in a secret location. This is a very gripping story, that keeps us at the edge of our seats. Also we are able to closely observe from Hannah and Jonathan the mindsets of children born as a buy productof abduction and abuse, who has not seen the outside world. The cruelty done to women and children across the globe by saddist, psychopath people cannot be watched just with fascination for the depth of crime but with alot of emotional turmoil because for one moment if we place ourselves in that position, its going to be the most scariest thing that could ever happen to us. This series is recommended to all crime story lovers, its interesting and worth your time.



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