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Discovering the beauty of ones own smile

"There is fear when frowning. There is love when smiling." —Maxime Lagacé

Like how all of us are unique and amazing in our own way, so is our smile. Our smile has the power of not only making another persons day better but also ourselves more than anything else. We heal a little more everyday we choose to smile. We heal from all the wounds that we are carrying all our life. Smile is a priceless medicine for healing from your internal wounds. Smile is also about your hopes, dreams and desires. Smile is just simply living in the moment, sure today won’t come again, ever! Smile is also about being in the moment and finding the silver lining of it. A smile is a beautiful expression which enhances your beauty. Smile like a thousand sunshine, setting ablaze the heart of the beholder. There are alot of benefits to smiling, but when we don’t fake it and rather enjoy it then we can really say that we have found the beauty in our own smile. We should not smile for a reason because it can be taken away from us. Do not smile just because you have to, or to look good; just smile because you want to, because it makes you feel a little lighter, a little easier, a little happier, a little lovelier, a little hopeful, a little cheerful, a little spirited, a little free from the shackles we have built up for ourselves. Once we decide to smile, once we let ourselves into us, once we let the sunshine inn, it simply means we have decided to be happy, no matter whatever the outcome be. And you know what you do not have to have the perfect skin , or teeth or other facial features to have a beautiful smile. You just need a little courage, zest to life, hope and colour to fight any drangons that come your way. People often fear to show their teeth because either they feel it as too much, or because they feel their teeths arent that pretty but you know your courage counts more than perfection. We are all motivated a little by the spirit, the gesture than the perfection of it all.

When you look at somebody and you give a kind smile, a smile of welcoming warmth and assurance, you make others lives a little easier. You need beautiful thoughts, and lots of optimism to keep smiling throughout all the issues and challenges you are facing at the moment. I am not playing the autoimmune disease card again and again but here it is, it is so damn difficult to smile when you have a weak immunity and a low cell metabolism, more than half time of the year I am sick, down with fever or cold. And you know what happens during these times, I cannot breath properly, I have wheezing and cough. I cannot even walk for 10 minutes without feeling tired and having shortness of breathe. Even then I smile, at people when I say hello or thank you. I have my moody days, most people might feel I do complain alot or are bitter or unpleasant or maybe even sad but I do smile. Even when I cannot pull myself out of my bed, I keep trying harder; maynot alot of people notice my efforts because those are my efforts to help myself. But smiling is a great way to liveby. Not all people know how hard its is for a person like me to work, with this issue. I live in Bangalore and we have extreme cold here atleast 3/4th of the year and its too windy. Before I had this autoimmune issue, I used to love this weather, because I found it beautiful! I still find it beautiful but I fall terribly sick during these cold days of wind and rain.yet, I do smile, I do try, not that alot of people notice any change in me. But I do try, because what matters is that we try and we live for ourselves. We smile, when we are ready to be ourselves, when we do not want validations from others.

So what are some of the benefits of smile:

Endorphins, brain chemicals are triggered during the process of smiling which aids us in feeling positive.

Help lower blood pressure , reduce stress and improve our mood.

Neuropeptides are released from our brain which helps us tackle stress.

They are also considered as natural pain killers.

Smiling just does not only uplift your mood but also the mood of people around you.

Smile helps us boost our immune system.

Helps you stay positive and attractive.

Helps you cultivate hope.

“Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A world of optimism and hope. A ‘you can do it’ when things are tough.” ​– Richard M. Devos



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