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Equal Freedom

Why are women not equally treated in some religion? Why do they have to cover head to toe, for what horrible reason? A woman should have no marks that are unattractive when we consider an alliance and yet she is not allowed the freedom, the democracy, the liberation, the choices . Why are men and women in some religion placed in such a way that the weighing scale is worn-out by the imbalances in weightage! Generally all religions wanted to protect and honor women, but women were also shown as weak and incapable , they were shown as the ones to be protected and provided for, simply making them handicapped when they were not, mostly women worked due to circumstances back then.

And just like the hair is greying, so are the desires of women greying trying to be what the society, religion and other institutions that she could visit has taught her. No I'm not a feminist, I believe in equality and that's the reason these thoughts trouble me. A lot of women from as long as life has existed has lost the opportunity to be what they want. The bigger question everyone focused on was if she was a virgin, if she was eligible for a good alliance, and if she could give birth and look after the family. She sought knowledge, acceptance, work, independence and so many things far apart from the life that has been provided to her. No women doesn't think how to please a man or her husband or how to be the best mom or best person in the family , no, that's just your false-mindset . Women thinks about the things that awaken her desires, her needs , her wants, her independence, her existence. She not only wants a partner , friends , and a good family. She cherishes her alone-time, her education, her job, her happiness, her beauty. What a woman truly wants is her "freedom " to be and to choose and to simply exist than somebody choosing it for her .



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