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Fruits to eat during weightloss Journey

I am on a research to eat healthy and fruits seems like the most healtiest option to start with, so here I am going to post a few things I learned researching which I would be following:

First of all let me start with my favorite fruits : Mango, Kiwi, Watermelon, Grapes. These are my go-to fruits!

1.MANGOES : Mangoes are amazing, they are delicious and thats why they are called the king of fruits. Magoes are fibrous, contains vitamin A,B6,C , E,K, Copper,proteins,also carbs and sugar. Magoes are low in calories, and they are natural sugar. Its good to be haven in a limited amount , one cup would be sufficient . ( I really have a sweet tooth!!! ) mangoes are also good immunity boosters. They are good for the heart, helps with the healthy blood flow as it contains potassium and magnesium.They also help with constipation and digestion.

2. KIWI: Having Kiwi’s are good for weightloss because it has high water content and they are low in calories.Kiwi also contains high vitamin C. It seems to be a good option for belly fat burning. Kiwi also has double the nutriets that is contained in Apple.It is good to have atleast one Kiwi a day.

3.BERRIES: High fibre and water content this fruit is a good option for weightloss. These fruits help reduce our food intake as it reduces hunger. They are a source of potassium, vitamin C and K, healthy gut carbs. A cup of berry can be taken a day.

4. AVOCADO : Avocado again is a high fibre fruit, they also have less sugar content. Having one half of an avocado daily is a good option, as avocado comes under good carbs. They also help us reduce our appetite, the risk for heartattacks, cholestrol or diabetes.Raw avocados are good detoxifying agents.

5.BANANA : Bananas are a good source of vitamins. They do help in weight management so 2 bananas per day should be ok. Based on ripeness, the sugar content might vary.

6.CITRUS FRUITS : Orange, Lemon, Grape and Limes help in weight loss as they are low in calories , has high water content and fibre. They prevent you from having more food by giving you a feeling of fullness.

7.GUAVA — Helps with weight loss, contains low calories and are a power house of vitamins and minerals.Two medium sized guava’s are good to consume daily.They help boost your immunity and reduce cancer. Helps with constipation and better eye sight. They are also a good anti stress agent and good for pregnant women. Guava is also said to have more nutritional properties than apple.

8.APPLE: Apples are rich in fibre and low in calories. Apples also have high liquid content, apples are also a good choice for weightloss as it has the ability to make you feel full. 1–3 apples a days looks good to consume provided you dont eat it during the night when you are preparing for your sleep as it slows down digestion.

9.PEAR: Low calories, high in fibre and water content pear is a good option for weightloss. Two peara daily is good to consume. They also contain vitamin C and K, proteins, calcium, potassium, copper. They are also good antioxidants. Good for digestion and helps with constipation.

10.GRAPES: Grapes have high water content and it can make you feel full faster. Red grapes have higher calories than green grapes but they are good for weightloss diet, some suggests that about 32 grapes per serving is grapes contain resveratrol which is an antioxidant that indirectly aids with weightloss. Black grapes help manage obesity due to the antioxidant present in them.Green grapes are also a good addition to your weightloss diet as it is fibrous and has good watery content.

11. APRICOTS : High in fibre and low in calorie but this fruit is also high in natural sugar hence consume in a fixed quantity.

12.PEACHES : Contains no saturated fats, sodium or Cholestrol hence its ideal for weightloss, they also help us manage our cholestrol level and risk for heart diseases. They contain vitamin E and K, potassium, Phosphorous, mangnesium, copper , iron and zinc.

13.WATERMELON: 90 % of watermelon contains water, help us stay hydrated. They are packed with nutrients. Improves heart health. Even though watermelon can be had everyday, it does contain natural sugar and hence we can have various fruits throughout our diet.

14.PAPAYA: They fibrous, have low calories and contains digestive enzymes. They are definitly one fruit to be on the top list of your diet plans. One bowl of papaya a day is good. They help reduce heart diseases, diabetes cancer. They also helps with digestion, blood pressure control and improves wound healing.

15.PINEAPPLE: They contain vitamin C and they are fibrous. They are good fit to be included in your weightloss plans. A bowl of pineapple a day would be enough. They contains various nutrients and disease fighting antioxidants.They reduce risk of cancer and helps for a speedy recovery after surgery as well.

16.POMEGRANATE: Are a good choice of fruit for weightloss diet, they contain antioxidants, they are fibrous. They are packed with vitamins and minerals. They help from harmful germs and also helps prevent cancer.



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