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Manjummal Boys, real incident of 2006...

"Manithar Unarndhukolla

Ithu Manitha Kaadhal Alla

(Meaning: For mere humans to understand, this is no mortal love!)

Adhaiyum Thaandi Punithaamaanathu


(Meaning: It’s beyond that, So Pure! So pure!)

( Song from Tamil Movie Guna, the reference of this song is taken in this movie because the movie revolves around the guna caves where this tamil movie shooting took place)

I cried my heart out watching this movie, the bond, friendship, love.I have never experienced such a life-giving friendship, sure I have seen kind human beings all-throughout my journey, but just a" life-giving for your friend" kind of friendship onscreen left me teary eyed because this was an incident which happened in 2006. A group of daily wage workers, who went for a budget trip in kodaikanal , most of them who doesnt even know the tamil language or any other language clearly other than malayalam (back then) , went down to guna caves / devil's kitchen and an unfortunate event happened in their life from there, they didnt give up because they had a lot of barriers, they were not from well off families/ rich/ good with language/ or had any influential peoples support not even local police support ; yet they were the only ones who could save a life so dear to them. When previously 13 people had already fallen to the mearciless death-hole and nobody saved them, this group of men made sure that they were not going to let their best friend be the 14th victim of neglience! These are sure the times where we see god in people or god through people ! My tears were worth it, the movie is a sucess and no-doubt they earned it. Hats of the director and all the people who worked to make this movie a huge success, but the real heros are those people who went down to the caves and experienced this first-hand, such kind of a trauma doesnt leave anybody easily. I really hope subash overcame the trauma inflicted to him by the situation. If you have missed this theatre experience, then you have lost such an amazing experience in your lifetime !



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