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Men-struating is a Boon

Menatruation remains as a taboo topic in India even today. Indians believe that men does not have the need to know the physical changes women undergo, blood, lots of blood, thats what happens during this process, but NO there is a lot to it. Everything is dealt within a hush-hush bubble that even now some men find it as eww, or unnecessary to know, or feel shy when people speak about it or even just walk away or act surprised and listen to as a new thing which they havent heard about.

Do as much of a secrecy is required?

Menstrauting women are often treated in a such a way that they are not allowed to go to temples/ holy places or touch certain things, it is believed that their presence or touch , would make things impure.

But it is with the help of menstruation that a woman becomes ready to be a mother and bringing a child into the world is such a blessed feeling. Hence, calling this phase as impure or treating them as untouchables is foolishness and narrowmindnedness ! It is not justifiable with religion or culture. Dont befriend religion and culture to satisfy your egotistical thoughts.

Menstruation in simple terms is  blood and tissue discharge from the uterus lining.

Why does this process happens?

During the menstruational cycle (which can be in 21 or 28 days cycle) hormones initiate the maturity of eggs in the ovaries. Each woman will have two ovaries each contains a bunch of microscopic eggs. Once the egg matures, it can be fertilised. The hormones also strengthen the  walls of uterus by making them thick and  spongy. This is to help the fertilised egg to  grow in a nice and safe place.  The process of releasing matured egg through the ovary is called Ovation.

Some people can have ovulation symptoms while others don't. These symptoms include  pain in your lower belly, bloating and light spotting of blood.The matured eggs journey continues into the fallopian tubes towards the uterus.

And if pregnancy does not happen then the thick lining of the uterus is no more required and hence it breaks down and flows out of the body with blood and nutrients through the vagina.

But if you do get pregnant, then the thick lining stays for the fertilised egg to grow and hence the periods stops for the duration of the pregnancy.

Periods or menstruation might start at tender ages of 11 or 12 for early bloomers and maybe later after after 14 years for the rest. There are also people who get periods even earlier than 12 or much later than 14 years of age. It is preferred to see a doctor if the menstruation doesnt start by the age of 16.

Periods might stop at the age of 45 and above, it will be similar to the time it happened for your mother or sister(s). This phase is called Menopause.

Hence, Mensturation is a boon and not a curse. So treat the woman in your family with respect and care. A man doesnt become any less by buying sanitary products for woman or perform other chores when a woman is going through such a process. But helping women do chores at home is not limited to , during the times of periods or pregnancy, its an everyday task. Every chores needs to be broken down and should be handled by different members of the family. Some tasks are not labelled for the woman alone. We are not in the era of hunters and gatherers!




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