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Mental Health Awareness - Gender Stereotyping and fear of judgement

You can be weird to the world but not an alien to yourself ! #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters

Just like how a small child would wave/ smile at an unknown person without much thought , we should all be able to choose what we like be it accesories or clothing without the fear of judgement from others. So what if its male's cologne or tshirt or pants or watches or shoes; we should be be able to choose without being too conscious . I used to wear my grabdfathers perfumes and his watch to college, I used to take his umbrella on rainy days. It didnt really matter much to me, that oh its a male's accessories , it was always a reminder of the bond we share. Today when I wore my dad / brothers watch I felt same, I liked it, I felt it looked good on my arms, also it was breaking stereotypes of a gender-specific titling for everything. And why is this important for mental health anyway ? You must be thinking. Well, how many of us have stopped the thought of using a product / accessory etc just because it didnt come under our gender category? Isnt that an unhealthy approach? If we wear the other genders clothers or accessories we become cross-dressers! I am not promoting cross dressing , but certain things are unisex or should be unisex, there is feminine touch and masculine touch to products or accessories available in market thus catrgorising it appropriate for men and women, but we should not categorise design based on masculine and feminine , because we have a unique taste each of us, and we do not like designs based on the masculinity or feminity it depicts , rather we fall in love with the design ! Isnt it??? We should be able to choose the designs we like without being scared of the criticisms or thoughts of "this is not appropriate for me". Women ride bikes and men cook, its because they were ready to break stereotypes, because they liked it and they went for it, riding bike of cooking to begin within shouldnt have been entitled to a specific gender. Mental health is when you are in a safe environment to choose what you like instead of fearing such man made stereotypes. Men can wear lipbalms if they wish too right? Choices ! Freedom !



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