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My diet Choices : Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate as we all know is a product of Cocoa solid and Cocoa butter which doesnt contain milk or butter that is seen in milk chocolate. We usually consume dark chocolate with added sweetener else it would so difficult to consume as it would be totally bitter. Dark Chocolate contains flavanors which are plant chemicals which help with reducing heart related diseases. Consuming high cocoa content dark chocolate is beneficial for our body as it has antioxidants and minerals but it may also contain high sugar content and calories ( we need to be extremely cautious about that).

It contains numerous nutrients , they contain fiber, iron, magnesium, pottasium, manganese and Copper. Additionally, it has zinc, phosphorous and selenium. If consumed in moderation it is really good for the body. It also contain some fatty acids like oleic acid which is a heart healthy acid, stearic acid which helps with cholestrol and Palmitic acid which can raise cholestrol levels. Dark chocolate also contains caffeine but the content is very small. Dark chocolates are also a powerhouse of antioxidants. Polyphenols in dark Chocolate help lower LDL cholestrol if combined with cocoa or almonds (better keep that in mind !). Dark Chocolates are also said to be good for the skin, and cocoa flavanoids in dark chocolate could also help improve brain functions. It may also contain vit A, B1,C, D & K. Dark Chocolate might also help lower the blood pressure. When consumed regularly in moderation can help with cell damage and depression. 24 grams or less a day can help with depression as it has the effect of anti depressants. It can also help with type 2 diabetes but ofcourse consume in moderation.

They can also aid in weightloss, hence can be included in diet plan considering it is included after meals. They also help with improving metabolism, lowers the insultin increase,reduces cravings, reduce our pain (consider it during periods) and helps us with exercise, helps us experience a happy-high which means regular consumption helps with sleep,stress control,lower cholestrol and blood pressure.



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