My Moodswings..
My moodswings are like the rainbow...
Every colour represents me at different phases of myself,
And just like the moon at each of its phase,
I am beautiful at all times.
When I am in touch with my emotions,
And acknowledge every mood I go through,
I am accepting myself.
And acceptance is love.
There is nothing more important than self-love , understanding, assurance and peace.
All the right ingredients a person needs to be authentic.
They say you gotta see the rain to see the rainbow,
Well, I say you gotta see the whole rainbow while enjoying the rain,
Cause mood swings even though unpredictable,
Are natural,
Instead of seeing it as hormonal or too biological,
See it from the eyes of an observer,
What makes you happy,
What makes you sad,
What makes you irk,
What makes you cringe,
What makes you panic,
What makes you retreat to your shell,
What breaks you,
And then what makes you?
Not just you accepting and understanding your moods,
But your close circle too needs to,
Its very important.
We are all connected,
We need to make sure we stay connected,
By deep-acknowledgement.
Everybody has a universe inside of them,
And we are just exploring.