Overthinking : Let's decode
Alot of us are living in our minds, we interact with our mind more than with outside world. We are all worried about what is gonna happen tomorrow? What will happen to my future? Will I have a good future? Am I going in the right track? We keep thinking and thinking sometimes we find comfort in the little positive answers we find, but mostly we are worried. We forget to live in the moment because we all are made to believe from a younger age that what ever we are doing now is for a better tomorrow or future. So we believe that we have to workhard and made something out of today for our future. But when will we reach to that happily ever after? Why do we have to wait for enjoying our life? Isnt it foolish to keep everything for the future. Because we might not be there to witness this future. We have to be happy in the present and mindful about our future. Why am I writing about this? Well, I am an overthinker and my mind is filled sometimes that it sends me pop ups or warnings “Storage full”.And as an overthinker I can gurantee that we have lots of worries and unhappiness because of it. Even if we wake up with lots of energies, we have many mood swings that drain our energy/ spirit for a cheerful day. So what am I worried about, lets talk about that because my biggest example is myself. I am worried about the future, and when I say future it largely involves my career and family life. I have a deep fear about my career, not just becoming successful but the thought that will I be accepted , found as productive by my peers and will I make enough money for my future to be safe. I lack confidence or my confidence drains when I am hit with performance anxiety , thinking about productivity. And when it comes to having my own family, I am 25 going on to 26 years of age, a lot of my collegues and peers of my age are married. They seem to enjoy life, going for trips, building their own homes or having stable life, most of them going abroad. I fear that I might get stuck in this forever of uncertainity, but then thinking about it seems better than talking about it because I find people are only interested in positivity which is really good. But it also makes us aware that there are less to no shoulders to cry on or people to have conversations with. Now, even if we have people to talk about this, they are also not so clear about tomorrow, they are trying to stay positive and we should let them. We should not fill our negativities into someones head rather try to stick to sane self. Now, this part is tough, it is tough to absorb and retain positivity. We can absorb postivity quickly but retaining it is the real task. I am still working on myself to really focus on my present,and by present I mean myself- to keep myself happy, understand my needs and requirements, to detox my mind, to help myself out rather than waiting for a miracle. Because we need to work for making ourselves better rather than thinking one day its all gonna be alright and start overthinking. We might hit ice bergs trying to save ourselves but the point is to come back stronger, to mend ourselves. Just think and know that life is all about learning, we are constant learners even if we dont want to. We are put into this world for a short time, and all we get are experiences, life situations are our greatest teachers and it holds alot of value. We learn from our failures what not to do and we learn from our success what can be done differently for arriving at something productive. There are risk takers and safe players. My dad is a risk taker but I am a safe player. Its a choice , I feel everyone should have the choice. When our life’s decisions become forced for the person who forces us and liked minded people might feel that they are doing the right thing but thats not true. We have to do, what we feel right at the moment. We have to take our own decisions. Overthinking cannot be controlled overnight, everyday we have to have a little control over our mind than the previous day. Life is all about finding our pace. Detoxing our minds are so important, whenever I experience mood swing or drained I listen to motivational videos for 30 to 50 mins and that helps uplift me a little. It helps me calm down, feel a little peaceful and restore hope in me. We cannot take tablets for overthinking but overthinking can lead us to other issues for which we might require medications. And proper help is the right way. But we can always try from our end so that our conditions wont be worsened. We have to try from our end irrespective of the outcomes. Its our mind, and we should maintain it like a beautiful garden or library. Think of it like a beautiful place, whichever place you find peaceful and try to maintain the peace. Your mind is your zone, where you need to be safe and peaceful remember that!