Selflove is the roadmap to contentment ❤️
Have you ever #noticed , how #beautiful your #feet are?
Well, if you want to love your body, the first step is to keep looking at your body, finding uniqueness in it, accepting gracefully all the marks, wrinkles, or extras you have gained over the years, even a healing wound might carry a memory, the memory of your survival, the reminder of one more day that you bravely sustained, reemerged from the surface and decided to live to see yet another sunrise!!!
Every body is #unique, every body is an #art, every body is #complex to figure out, and the #prerequisite to love your body is to first understand your body. Nurture it, protect it (both from physical threats to snide comments).
How can you love your body, when you cannot understand it?!!!.
Start with a single part, observe, find something unique about it, you will eventually start to loving it . Selflove doesnt happen in a single day! ❤️
For some weird reason we find attracted to and can love other people more than us, but just remember , that is just a false alarm or a pretence, always know that conciously or not , we all love us the most (and its the universal truth we often dont realise) and we have to love us first, to love anybody else in this world.
Often its easy to love our mind, our ideas, our talents but its not that easy to love our body (even when humans are considered as materialistic people , well most of us) Its your body, its your permanent suit, its a part of your identity, dont deny it the right of nurturing!!!