Snacks for a Guilt free Gut : #Tripdiaries
Today, I decided to go check out a few snack options in our local supermarket as I will be off on a trip tomorrow. I had a few options in mind which included museli, nuts, peanut butter and chocolate syrup, but as I reached the counter to pay the bill I felt like it was too unnecessary to waste alot of money and have such sugary food peanut butter and chocolate syrup? , come on Riya! So I decided let me just take out a few things and re-think, what is my favorite and healthy snack I usually have considering my health issues?, and then my eyes were stuck in two things from the many things I added in my cart — Almonds and raisins. Yes, both rich in fibre and helps us maintain a good gut. As we all know when we are on a trip it is very important that we have a good gut, we dont experience, any kind of irritations or discomfort due to a wrong diet that can clog / upset your stomach and might also give you constipation or worst loose motion . Think about all the worst cramps you can get in the stomach, abdomen and anus. Why Almonds and Raisins?
They boost the immunity and strengthens our body system. Helps retain your energy throughout the day and contains lot of fibres. They are a powerhouse of manganese, magnesium, copper and protein. Soak them up, before you eat for a healthy morning or evening snack. They also help keep acidity at bay and helps with digestion if your intake is in the morning along with breakfast. They also help improve your brain health by enhancing your memory. They are wealthy in antioxidants and hence good for your skin and hair. Helps keep your cholestrol and blood pressure at bay (yes, we are aging, we are no longer younger than we were. So we can be a little mindful about that) When you consume them together, it keeps your stomach full and avoids any other unnecessary food consumptions. There are a lot of healthy snack options which are not only nutricious but also tasty. Just remember being mindful doesnt cost you your fun, it just helps you have good health to have all the fun!