Stalking has been like sugar/ liquor , its an addiction sometimes; what started as a harmless thing ended up being something inevitable! You started randomly social media — stalking say your crush, your brother/ sisters partners, your friend, or friends of friends, teachers or any random person of zero significance in your life, this could be largely because you feel your life is less interesting, while the feeds of the other person seems damn interesting. It feels like your life is not that interesting compared to them. You are always curious to know what they did/ what they are doing. You follow their habits, their style and you get more curious about alot of other things like how they choose their friends, who are their friends, who is their partner or are they single and informations like that. Even though these datas look juicey to you, it is not informative. You are just trying to learn more about someone, just because you find less purpose in your life. Whatever starts in fun, can endup being dangerous for us, if we didnt stop/ couldnt. Evade patterns, never include stalking in your schedule, (in know mostly its an involuntary action) and so it is required to stop voluntarily. If you check out a persons social media say 10 times a day, reduce it to 5 and then to 3 or 4 and then to 1 , slowly ignore the urge. Its ok, just remember you dont matter to them, you are unimportant to them and hence, they should be the same for you. When you realise that you are insignificant to them/ that they dont even have an idea that you exist in this world, this craving to know all about another person stops. We should follow, and learn more about the people who want to be with us and know us more. Stalking is a disease, its like a slowly spreading cancer, where you feel little by little surrendering to it everyday. You dont have to know what another person is doing, even if you find your own life boring. Find new hobbies, channelise your urges into something meaningful. Find a good series to watch, go for a walk, do a makeover, take a trip, take lots of good pictures, have good food, be pleasant, meet people and engage in conversations, in total live your life. As you life your life, you will find purpose in the little things your discover; your purpose to live. You need to know that you stalk people out of CURIOCITY, which can later turn into ADDICTION ( by habit). When do you stalk people? Mostly, when you are bored, when you feel the other person is having a much better life than you, their feeds seems interesting, when your life seems meaningless. How do you stop stalking? Just by prioritizing. Prioritze yourself, your needs, your happiness, your growth, than purposelessly following someone else. Believe in yourself and that your life has a purpose. You have greater meaningful purposes in life than to stalk someone else. Its an addiction and hence its super unhealthy. We need to realise that it is an unhealthy habit and it is not going to make our life any better.