The Confidence Journey - 011 : Having Healthy Confidence
“As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.”―Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Healthy Confidence is having balance, the balance between knowing what you are good at and what you need to work on. If everything was handed out to us like goodies in a basket, absolutely free, how would we ever try ? How would we ever learn? How would we ever know if we could be better compared to what we are already doing? Most importantly how would we survive without having to do no work- on yourself or for yourself? Healthy confidence is like a balanced diet. It cannot be done correctly in one day but can be corrected overtime with our need to change and put-out ourselves for more life experiences. Not staying stagnated in one place is a progress and the efforts you take to come out of your shell, requires alot of courage. But for that you need to have confidence, even when you are not really where you want to be, Having the confidence that one day you will be is a healthy step towards a positive life.
Healthy confidence is staying in your lane. It is focusing on yourself but having empathy for others. It is putting yourself to challenges rather than staying in your shell. It is the courage to try out rather than being outweighed by the fear of losing. We all miss the balance sometimes, but there is always a chance to be on track again, it's like losing your way. Sometimes all you gotta do is drive a little more , take some help, find your way. Nothing is impossible, but sometimes things can get complex in our head. We need to first untie the tangle formed in our mind, and then retry. Remember, we don't win all the games we play, even the ones we are good at, but yet we play because it is fun to! We all know in the end there is only one winner, and yet we participate because we want to be a part of it. In life, some games we win, and some we learn. Keeping an open mind about this really helps you to maintain your balance. When you doubt yourself because of anything, any loss, any failures, your confidence is fluctuating, you start to struggle to be you. Most people struggle with their inner demons, most people struggle with the thoughts in their mind, the tangles- Am I worthy? Am I better? Am I good? Do I deserve that? Do I invest in that? Sure, anything you do for yourself is a win, irrespective of the outcome. You wanted it and you went for it, Period! A loss is when you give up, it's when there is a lack of motivation to try and not when you receive an unpleasant outcome for your efforts. Everytime you don't get what you want, either you are getting a step closer at knowing how to achieve it or you are learning if that is your cup of tea or not!
“Believe you can and you're halfway there.”―Theodore Roosevelt
You gotta believe in yourself and give it your all. You gotta be willing to try until you reach where you wish to be. And when you feel demotivated, that's when you need to try harder; it's like pushing yourself out of bed on a freezing cold morning because that's when you would feel the laziest. As the saying goes " Life is not a bed of roses", the journey is not even and smooth. Roses have thorns, remember? And thorns are gonna prick you, it's natural. You should deal with your confidence issues, as dangerous as lack of confidence is over confidence. Overconfidence is one of the biggest turn offs from people liking you. I have heard the saying that "nobody likes a know-it-all!" and it's true! You have to be patient, you need to listen , you need to admit it when you do not know something, it does not devalue you! We are all a work in progress,and we can all strive to be better !
“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.” –Norman Vincent Peale