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The Confidence Journey - 012 Habits to improve Confidence

As confidence is not an inborn quality, it can be enhanced with the right mindset and practises - " Practice makes a person perfect".

1. Listen before speaking : A lot of what we say is enhanced by the quality of our listening skills and our thoughts. That is why the saying goes " think before you speak". When we are in a conversation, it is very much important to understand the person we are conversing with and the message we are conveying because at the end of the conversation there should be some takeaway, it can even be a simple smile of satisfaction. We have to know that conversation is never a one way communication, it is bidirectional.

2. Don't shun advice/ constructive criticisms - What doesn't kill you, helps you grow in some way or the other. Sure people's opinions can have a lot of weight on ourselves but can we stop everything and just leave from peoples presence? Because people are everywhere, you need people. People constitute, your family, friends, employer, employees, peers, your suppliers etc You cannot avoid people, you cannot survive in this world on your own. As much as we all hate arguments/ disagreements/ the weight of other people's opinions, we cannot stay away from it. We should evaluate every advice or criticism thrown our way and evaluate it. Take the good and leave the rest.

3.Try not to be jealous of other people's success- Success is different for different people, your peers might have a better career or life compared to you or so you feel. But where you are is earned and you should have the spirit to always work your way up. Even if we are of the same age group, we cannot be in the same position in life because everybody is different and so are our stories. Some can be employers, some employees, we all are at different levels of our life doing different things, it's foolish to compare ourselves and feel jealous. Instead feel happy about others, just for you more than them, just for your peace of mind. Don't carry excess baggage like how they say in airports, it's basically pointless !

4. Judge less - We often have a tendency to avoid judgements but judge people. We say that those who judge others are not morally correct and yet we are that, we do the same. Growth doesn't happen when we are into other people's business rather than being engrossed in ours. Our goal is to be the best version of ourselves not to sabotage others! The confidence you have in tarnishing another person's image is not at all a healthy confidence, infact it's not confidence either, it's just an unhealthy satisfaction like eating junk foods.

5. Understand that it's completely ok to say NO- Being young or a junior, or a people pleaser you feel when you turn down people or opportunities it might never come back but the decision of yes/ no is so simple, if you want it go for it, if it is not your cup of tea then don't. Honestly, deep within you need what you need and what you don't.

6.Be assertive- Assetive not in a forceful way, it should be in asured and bold way, where the people you speak should believe in what you are saying and be ready to be a part of you or your company. This can start slowly with daily practices if you focus on the end goals.

7.Exercise consistently - Exercise is not just for your body but also to keep your mind fresh. Anything from a 30 mins walk to maybe cardio looks good, depending on what you like to for an exercise, something that you feel happy to do. Yes, exercise not an unhappy thing you do to keep yourself healthy. By picking out the ones you like, you are letting yourself have a pleasant and fruitful time when you are exercising. And an energised body and a fresh mind can contribute largely to your confidence because you know you are working on yourself.

8. Don't fear being wrong - All of us are wrong sometimes, we are falliable, we are human. A fear of anything can be destroying, destroying ourselves and our confidence. We need to take an initiative to face the fear gently. We all have some fears, we are a work in progress, all of us!

9. Grab every opportunity that comes your way - You need to be wise, when it comes to good opportunities. Never let it slip away! Because you will be sorry. If you feel like this is the one opportunity that is going to take me to the next level or closer to the next level dont let fear or uncertainity take it away because you are capable of taking the bigger challenges in life. We only get what we can deal with, sometimes we forget that.

10. Don't put off things for a better time - There is no better time than now, today. Utilise the time you have in hand now than waiting for a time yet to come, there is no better time than the present. It is alright if you feel like you need to prepare a little but guess what time and opportunities doesnt wait for no man hence, it is better to start now . I will start exercising from today on wards is better than I will start it from next month. I will start writing a page everyday starting today sounds better than I will do it from tomorrow.

11. Come out of your shell , face new challenges -Remember life is like a game, all challenges take you to the next level. You would be surprised that when you try everything gets easier than it was before. Staying in our comfortzone doesnt get us anywhere promising. A little uncertainity now is better than nothing promising in the future. You need to say yes to challenges and new oppotunities.

12. Give yourself credit for every new achievement,however small it might be - Big or small, it is what you earned and you have to celebrate it. Rewarding yourself is a better way to assure yourself that you are becoming much better, it helps with boosting your confidence. You did a sale today, just one sale, still you did it on your own you deserve a reward. You helped somebody today you gotta treat yourself with the same amount of kindness you gave out. For all the things that happen in our life we need to take ownership, we self-blame alot, most of us, which is unhealthy then why cant we reward ourselves or give credit to ourselves when we achieve something? Simple right?

13. Be patient with yourself and others- We have to know that patience the biggest virtue that we posses, and the one we should practise because all of us are learning and evolving with time, if we dont give a chance to anyone then its both is both rejecting the growth of us and the other person. We create loyalty by being patient and helping out people. We show kindness and trust to ourselves when we show ourselves patience.

14. Take charge of situations - Often times when an issue happens we dont say our opinions, we dont interfere because nobody wants to get involved. But when you are in a working environment if you dont show yourself as reasonable person, as a mindful person, nobody will know that you can be a leader. You need to take charge of situations and bring everyone united. It might not look easy, but we can always start with something small.

15. Don't shy away from flaunting your creativity - All of us are creative, believe it or not ! Some people dont believe in their own self and that is why they cannot see it yet. When you are good at something, you need to flaunt it and be proud of it.

16. Prepare yourself for the next step - There is always a next phase in our life, something more challenging than what you have got handled now. It might be scary but not impossible. We have to work on ourselves and our skills for the next phase of our life that can be a senior position or a new job.

17. Focus on your goals and aspirations - Goals matter, we are all born for a purpose. It is in our hands to make our lives as meaningful as possible. Our career needs to be goal oriented, we should be able to picture what our growth should look like. We need to know when to pursue and when to hit pause . We can only do so with practise.

18. Hit Pause when you are exhausted - relax - When you feel exhausted , you dont quit. You just simply take a break until you feel better. You take a break from your busy schedule to have some quiet moments, have fun , reflect on your journey and keep pursuing your goals. Take one day at a time, even though you have plans. We need to break down our goals into simpler ones to get where we want to in a much better way.

19. Don't quit even when it seems difficult - Difficult days are reminders that you are a good player, when life is a game, and you have reached a new level it is a token of appreciation saying that you deserved it. It is always good to feel the difficulty then you will know that you earned the next best thing you get. Finding problems to solutions is our job be it any field. We need to be extremely proud of ourselves, because we are problem solvers. We solve a bunch of challenging problems to go to the next level and at each level difficulty can increase but you just dont quit, you just continue to pursue!

20. Reflect on your journey, be grateful- we have come along way in our lives counting the time we learned numbers or to read a proper sentence and look where we are now! Even if you are 10 , 15, 20, 25 , 30 or more you have come a long way, you have completed different levels of your life and every stage of your life matter, whether childhood or teenage or early or late adulthood. We have to reflect on our journey once in a while to see what an adventorous and fun way. You have gone through numerous hurdles and you are badass!!!!



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