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The Confidence Journey — 018: Confidence and Our professional Performances

"Be messy and complicated and afraid and show up anyways." –Glennon Doyle Melton

When I found this quote, I was truly impressed by it and thought what else would suit as an opening quote when we are going to get into the depths of Confidence and our professional life. We are all believed to follow a certain behavior in public and that can be even restricted or censored for an office setting. We tend to become so conscious because of that, we would end up looking stiff. We all are imperfect, we can be messy and goofy, we might be people who smile alot , giggle or laugh, we might also be tense or afraid about meeting people who can be intellectually intimidating or people who might not be as space-giving as we want to be. But that shouldn't stop us from achieving our dreams and goals. A professional life should be a goal oriented life. And the goals should be clearly stated in our minds. We should have an expectation from ourselves.Even though we are afraid or intimidated, we should still show up with confidence because this is our goals and dreams we are talking about. We cannot compromise on our growth. Growth will happen no matter what, but to push ourselves in the right direction we need self motivation. I personally felt being there, would make an impact rather than being incredible, I mean yeah sure if you are amazing at your work its always good but showing up no matter what not just speaks your courage but your professionalism also. It speaks about your commitment and priorities. You can always learn from your experiences and mistakes, but only if you show up you can have all that. Being professional has two parts to it, sticking to your timelines and being knowledgeable about your work. But there are other areas we forget to cover when we focus on these two things, because these seems to be important and they are! There are little things that go a long mile like how you treat people, whether you give space to people or not, whether you are a team player etc. You are evaluated for what you possess and portray not just academically or efficiency based but also by behavior, attitude, mindset and values. Professional Performance depends on alot of factors which varies across the globe like culture,industry,job roles and expectations/ outcomes from each individual. A few common professional expectation would include:

1. Adaptability- To adapt to the new environment and learn quickly how they (office/ workplace) function. The flexibility to understand and learn based on current job and market demand.

2.Work Ethics- Work ethics is simply Dedication,Punctuality and reliability.

3.Competence- Skills, knowledge and expertise, when all these are put in the right basket then we can say we are of good quality. We perform the job, not just the job but also handle all the challenging situations that is a given along with the job.

4.Integrity-Ethics and honesty takes you along way. You will be remembered by how you were as a person, and wanted because of the qualities only you can bring to the table. Trust and confidentiality is true gems to your crown.

5.Communication- Communication is not just speaking fluently but confidently and to the point but also active listening and engaging.

6.problem solving- Every job requires some level of problem solving skills, it is impossible to work from a manual. We all have to deal with every issues or situations thrown at as us, as it comes. And in a workplace settings problem solving is one of the biggest and most valued skills.

7.Team Work- Even though individual skills and work is very much appreciated, as a team we are delivering things together and we have to coordinate with each members of the team easily. We have to avoid conflicts and be accommodating.

8.Focus- When you do a job, your whole concentration should be on the job, it is expected. You have to be focused and sharp to provide quality to the institution you are part of.

9.Productivity- Every employee handling any kind of job requires to be of use to the institution, it is your productivity that gives you more opportunities. Hence, efficiency and productivity is the top most qualities you bring to the table.

10. Presentation- Presenting yourself professionally by dressing up appropriately and adhering to the policies of the company.

11. Continuous Learning- Being a professional doesnt mean your learning phase is over, being a professional means you cannot stop learning. You are constantly learning and bettering yourself, to be able to challenge yourself and the role you are working on. Learning increases your flexibility.

12. Smooth Customer Interactions- As a professional maintaining a good customer relationship is of utmost importance because without people there are no work, simple.

Confidence boosts your performance because confidence is the trust you have in yourself and your skills in this case. You are a professional and you are bound to interact with a lot of internal and external people, and it requires a certain amount of authority, flexibility,ease,empathy and efficiency. You cannot have any of these qualities without self confidence and the confidence in your skills. Confidence helps us professionally in the following ways:

To be able to communicate with people - Clients and internal team without feeling stressed out or tensed. To be yourself and your most professional self, to be able to listen, understand and interact. To be able to solve queries or problems. Professional Conversations should be fruitful, it should end in a proper conclusion or solution. And thereby to maintain good customer relationships also. To execute tasks efficiently and effectively. Confidence is also the core factor when you make decisions or judgments at work.As a professionals obstacles are the challenges that we face at every step in our career, we can only tackle it with our confidence and expertise. People tend to follow leaders who are confident and knowledgeable in their fields, hence confidence is key factor for leadership trait. Confident professionals are tend to assess the risk factors and go for it, whereas if you lack confidence you wont even try to go anywhere near risk. Even you are faced with alot of setbacks and failures only confident people will have the courage to bounce back and give your best. Those who seem confident are likely to get better career opportunities. Negotiation is one of the core skills that can be attained with confidence, and as a hardworking professional many-a-times you have to negotiate for salary or position or contracts as such. Stress is a given in the workplace, and only those with confidence can tackle it better. So here, we have seen how confidence can directly impact our workplace performances or professional performances. Confidence is one of the core factors.



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