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The Confidence Journey - Challenge your fear & shyness (Putting yourself in challenging situations)


People tend to be shy when they are so self conscious, when they have fear of being judged and rejected. Shyness stems from a fear, fear can be about anything, fear of feeling invaluable, people thinking you are not valuable enough, fear of under or over performance, fear of different kinds of criticism in general. When you fear being judged or being subjected to scrutiny intensely it could be due to Social anxiety disorder.  And need I say these fears affect our performance infront of the people we have to meet in our day to day life, be it school, college, work or any other place.

It is not easy to look confident when you are challenged with extreme shyness and fear.  This all might stem from a tiny seed of self doubt that got deep into your system by somebody close to you, a family member, a friend, a rejection and then it became deep rooted within you. Imagine you are rejected everywhere you applied for a job over a period of say two years, those two years you were fighting against yourself, to prove to yourself more than anyone about your self-worth, but at the end of the two years, after knocking multiple doors, and giving your best, now you feel so tired and invalid. Obviously, not everybody gives up after two years, but people do feel low within a certain period of time. Sometimes,  time doesn't help the internal battles you are fighting and so it is very important to have an anchor, which helps you spiral back into form and keep fighting. In today's world, when we are suddenly faced with big- big words of depression, anxiety, self confidence, self-love, competition, we tend to cave! We tend to go into our shell like a turtle and there, when you feel like taking a step backward, you might tend to stay in your comfort zone and never go back to challenge yourself because you are so scared of the outcomes.

Think about entrepreneurs and  employees, why do some people remain in their jobs, in their positions even after so many years of experience and money without thinking about starting something of their own; becoming entrepreneurs. It's simply the fear of risking it all, all that you have earned from what you are familiar with and sometimes it can also be that they might not have a strong idea to start something new. Entrepreneurship is not everybody's cup of tea, same as being an employee. Both are a choice, we must not forget if all people suddenly become entrepreneurs we might not have any employees to work with in the first place. So, every service needs to be respected. Appreciating people tend to help people become dreamers and achievers as appreciation instills in them a value for themselves and helps them with their confidence. But most organisations are profit oriented and they  perform any good deed  with the aim of publicising them through various social media platforms ( which is not wrong, as publicising helps business and thereby helps employment ). But awarding is rewarding, when you award someone for their performance, they would work many fold more with much higher confidence that can in turn reward / benefit the organisation. It helps improve the value of both the organization and the employees. An appreciative and rewarding environment improves the value of each and every person who is part of it. A sense of belongingness often helps us to be better at what we are, to be wanted ! But always we will not be rewarded with a motivating environment and self-doubt will be your paradise to pile on in such a situation. Hence, it is very much required to put in alot of self- efforts to work on your confidence, to challenge your shyness and fears, to go an extra mile for yourself, it can be taking an initiative to actively participate in a presentation/ discussion, to single handedly taking up a discussion on your own.We have to tell ourselves that "It is absolutely okay to make mistakes rather than staying stagnant not-trying". It takes small steps for bigger positive changes and it doesn't happen overnight in fact nothing happens overnight. Everything that is valuable takes alot of polishing !



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