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The Salvatore Brothers and The Doppelgangers :Why did Elena choose Damon and katherine choose Stefan

The Salvatore Brothers were Damon Salvatore ( Elder) and Stefan Salvatore ( Younger) from the famous TV Series, Vampire Diaries. The Doppelgangers were Katherine Pierce and Elena Gilbert, who was from the same bloodline as Katherine. When Katherine was forced to embark a non-human life of beinv a vampire, Elena Chose to be a human, to live and die with all the emotions witnessing both good and bad which life had to offer. Damon Salvatore was reckless, vulnerable, swift, hid all his emotions deep within, manipulative on the outercore but would break many hearts for the one single heart he would want to see beat ! Stefan Salvatore was the Calmer ,composed, compassionate, brother with emotions and a moral system. Though Damon did a lot of damage, due to his immense rage, which his life experiences had to offer stefan salvatore was no less, he was known as the “ripper” because he would mercilessly rip off the heads of his victim after his hunt. For stefan the kill was more of a sport. So how can we judge? Calling one person bigger or smaller than the other? The doppelgangers, even though fated look-alikes were never the same either, they had completely different characters which was formed by different life situations. Katherine Pierce was born in a wealthy family but as she brought shame to her family by bringing a child into this world out of wedlock, she was the unliked one, who then set on a path of suffering, from being the innocent sacrifice to the vicious vampire. Her journey was never simple, so she decided to have more power by getting consumed by her rage for the world. Elena on the other hand had a pretty better life, with a loving family and supportive friends. We cannot say Elena suffered alone like Katherine did and hence, she grew into a much compassionate and loving person. They shared a face but nothing more!

Damon Choose Katherine willingly , more willingly than stefan. Damon was strongly attracted to the charms of Katherine and how invincible she portrayed herself infront of the brothers. But Stefan, he didn’t want a cruel and selfish woman in his life, he followed empathy and righteousness. Damon on the otherhand followed being selfish for people he gave a damn about. Katherine choose stefan because of his pure nature and loyalty, more so before turned and became a ripper. Katherine could see a more of herself in damon and she wanted the opposite of her truth, stefan. After more than a hundred years, history repeated itself when Elena came to the lives of Damon and Stefan. Again the salvatore brothers even though initially curious about the fact that she looked like Katherine, later falling in love with her innocence and compassion, equally fell in love with her. Here, stefan’s love was voluntary and not of compulsion. Damon also had a pure feeling for Elena even though she was different from Katherine, he liked her innocence and warmth of heart. He liked the fact that Elena stood for the people she cared and loved for. Elena would sacrifice herself before selfishly letting all others be in trouble or danger. But the truth was that, Elena saw something that no one else so in Damon, a goodness, a chance for redemption, a ray of hope. Damon was forced into spending an eternity as a vampire by stefan, which was cruel. Damon only wanted to remain undead because he wanted to spent an eternity with Katherine. Stefan never wanted to be a vampire, but once he became one he encouraged another into the life he chose. Stefan had more rage compared to damon, damon was sad because everyone choose somebody else other than him, neglected him. I’m not taking Damon’s side, he killed alot of innocent people and so did stefan, you can say much more ruthlessly. It is only fair for Elena to choose Damon and Katherine to Choose Stefan, their equal opposites thus restoring some kind of a balance in their lives. Most of us look for the same in our partners too, we look for balance! It is only fitting that everyone deserves a chance at their happily ever after.



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