The story of Charles Shobharaj ,the Coward who killed innocents
To all those innocents who died under the hands of charles shobharaj and his criminal companions, I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart for all the pain you had went through . A life left to be lived for a longer time with happiness and people around was taken so cruely. Some remained hidden for long, even when their families expected that they were missing and would return home soon. My heart aches for them and their families. I had completed watching the limited netflix series on Charles shobharaj called the serpant and quiet frankly I was too afraid for the people around him, even when I knew it was just a series.
He was known as the Bikini killer / the serpant, but the name I feel more deserving to him is the “coward” who killed innocent people not because of his brilliance but because of his cunningness and his fear to struggle and work like normal people, because he didnt want to work and earn money honestly. He wanted to earn money and gain power through his crooked ways, fastly. He was a gem dealer to the outside world but in reality he drugged travellers and took their money and possesions. He also forced people into buying gems from him and when people refused he drugged them, killed them and accquired their valuable posessions or money. He had two accomplices who were Ajay Choudary and Marie Andree Leclerc. They learned his brutal ways quickly and they were also filled with the luxuries of an easy life. Marie Andree was attracted to / or was in love with Charles. She expected to be his number 1, she thought they would marry and have children. She wanted a normal life with him, but she still didnt mind when people were killed or hurt in the process of it all. Ajay was ruthless and foul mouthed as shown in the netflix series he was second in command to Charles. Their victims were also drawn my the charm Charles showed on the exterior. His neighbours in Bangkok Remi and Nadine, who later came to know about the reality of Charles through a victim of Charles, soon aided for helping the authorities to bring out justice and they also helped their informer and friend Dominique by helping to sent him home. Thus, freeing from the death grip of this ruthless serial killer. Sometimes I wonder, watching the series if Shobharaj enjoyed the kill more than the purpose of the kill. People might think he killed because he feared to be exposed but I think, that after a point he really enjoyed taking lives, their cries, their pleading. It might have been intoxicating to him. Every serial killer, if we consider, they have killed for the fun of it, for what it gives them, they have a satisfaction which they get from the kill. They do it for nothing else, their main aim is to find happiness in others pain , and power in others helplessness. Thats why I called Charles Shobharaj a coward, because he drugs his victims, he makes sure they are helpless before hurting them. He was a total coward, born, lived and will die as a coward. Being famous for a negative reason is nothing to feel good about. You are not famous, you are seen as filth, a total filth around the globe. I pity the womb you were born Charles Shobharaj, you don’t deserve parents. You are a filth, a worm, nothing, just a waste. You dont deserve friendship or love or any other forms of warmth, and I am sure you know that. You are not superior, you are an inferior fithy creature. You don’t belong among the rich you belong in a garbage heap rotting like how your mind and heart must be rotting. You took away many innocent lives more than 30 lives for sure,when you didn’t even deserve one !