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They grow up : Time doesn’t stand still

Sometimes it hurts when your siblings develop their own personality. I always liked when they depended on me, now the birds are flying away into their independence and its scary. Its like the familiar grounds are changing for new developments, only positive I hope. Everyone grows up to create their own family, everyone grows up to be their own individuals ...if you know what I mean.

To freedom and adulthood 🥂

There is both happiness and pain in this growth....from wrapping their fingers around ours to walking on their own....

From asking to sharing ideas or opinions...

Growth is personal and liberating ....

It is natural to feel scared / tensed when you seem not as important as before infront of your siblings or children because now they are capable, they are adults. They probably have out grown us, like the baby clothes we have got for them. Its no more our dreams, ita theirs. They have their own vision and mission in life. They will have a life besides you, they will have fun without you. This is life, this is how we grow. They do respect us, they do love us, remember that! The feeling of protection is mutual, they would get busy but they would always know that you are there for them.

We have to accept our children/ siblings growth. They deserve everything that we got to do and more! They deserve to learn on their own, to discover and rediscover life on their own. Their individuality and independence is priceless. Rejoice in their confidence, rather than get terrified. You are still important, now the equation has changed a little bit but not relations!

Find more time for yourself, engage in improving and loving yourself. Understand the changes within and around you. Absorb positivity from wherever you can. Stay rooted and energetic. You receive what you give. Always know that there is a child within you who needs alot of nurture and care, you should never stop caring for that child. Your most important responsibility is to gracefully accept changes and at the same time be silly, enjoy life. When life catches up to us, run a little further ,let it chase you, have fun !!

Lastly as the saying goes “ Change is inevitable!”


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