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Unhappiness and Adulthood

You are making money,

Well, decent money..

And yet you are not happy.

You are in love,

And its extremely special,

And yet there is this unhappiness,

You are smiling,

Occasionally laughing,

But not from the heart.

You are scared,

Terrified to close your eyes,

They call it by modern names,




And what not!

Those were not really modern names,

But in India yes!

In India people fail to understand the difference between a psychologist and psychatrist!


The rush,

Young blood,

The fear of aging fast,

What would I do?

What would I do to get by?

How would I be sucessful?

Alot of thoughts,

Lots of question marks swimming inside of your mind,

People asking,

And expecting,

Alot from you.

There is no proper give and take,

Its only in paper.

You are frustrated,

Anything makes you irritated.

People everywhere,

But nobody gets your pulse.

Even you starts to hate yourself,

You feel that you are not good enough,

How much ever you try!

Your job,

Your position,

Nothing gives you happiness,

Career anxiety weighs down every other good things in your life,

Mind is occupied with what do I make of myself,

Confidence and hardwork,

With some luck,

Huh, where do I bring all that,

Especially the last one.

The scariest L word,

It is a myth..I sometimes think,


What are you?!!

I do doubt myself ,

But i doubt people around me more,

I doubt everyones motive,

I doubt every single thing.

Unhappiness or adulthood?

I guess they go hand in hand,

And sometimes if you are lucky,

Again the word luck,

You find some happiness,

In the short span of your life,

And you just hold on to it,

Like a glass globe of dreams,



Its all you’ve got,

Or so you think!



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