We live in a world of wonderwomans !
Happy women's day to all wonderwomans out there , resilient, strong-willed hardworking, nurturers-by birth, face of patience, aura of kindness , humble-ground to earth fertile soils on which society thrives. Today we have women playing all roles in every industry. We have proved that we can be bold and yet stay humble,
We can multi-task and feed tummies,
We can give and still have boundaries,
We can love and still hold on to our self-respect,
We can stay ambitious and still be there for everyone,
We have a choice and a voice,
We are no longer submissive, all of us are warriors!
We can rewrite the mistakes into milestones,
We can also foresee a danger with our intutions.
We are amazing ! 💖❤️
We are a true gift to this world! 🌎