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When you WRONG!

People try to feel better for the wrong they have committed with some random quotes. Recently, I saw my ex who emotionally and publically ( infront of atleast my friends) put me down / insulted has posted a quote, and the quote says” We are all bad in someone’s story”. And the immediate reaction that ran through my mind was “You dont know what damage you have done in another persons life, you just think you are so precious🤣, nincompoop!!!”. Today I can laugh but there were times when I couldn’t , some pain never goes away because we might have suffered the worst. Insult is something that stays longer than it should, which tampers with our confidence and happiness. People who pass wrong comments, insult us they don’t feel they have ever done anything wrong, they might think it as a joke, or a concern, or an advice or to feel good amongst others but it really is not. My ex is 5 feet tall, almost my height I am 5’2 he must be same too. I could have made fun of that saying “Hey you are such a shorty morty who are you speak about my body fat?” But did I insult him saying that? NO!

Well, all my friends said he is short and I could have got better guys, still I loved him. It was many long years of humiliation. Now, no I am not afraid to say that …no I am not ! Why should I be? If he can walk around socialising to alot of people, being the good guy, the helping guy, the friend, the brother, the child, the lover then I should never feel sad because I have not insulted or abandoned him ! He had a control over me emotionally, he made me feel like he genuinely cared and it was my first love. The hurt never goes away, because of the lasting effect of that unhealthiness on my mind and body. I still remember all the insults, about why I am not better than his other girlfriends. He was polygamous, he always was confused and can you believe he have said to me “ I want to marry you both…I wish” and he have also said “ I cannot accept you and leave the other. I need you both! “ Well, its more than what my monogamous mind could handle. There are alot of men out there, this is not the story of one man and woman, this is the story of many and so it needs to be said. There are many men and women out there who are polygamous and indecisive. There are alot of them who think they are better than others even when they feel inferior inside. There are so many of them, who doesnt want us to do any better if they are not ! When I passed without any backpapers or arrears during my college days , my ex would say “whoa , she passes and I fails! How I thought she would be sad but no! “ A friend / a partner / a wellwisher should be encouraging and supportive not discouraging. If somebody truly cares for us, they should not want us to fail when they fail right? What kind of mentality is that? But as the topic suggests of this article “ When you WRONG”, I came to tell all those who read this, when you wrong somebody, you will try to find things that make you feel better , support you, like the quote he posted “ We are all bad in someone’s story”. In reality, he just wanted to feel sane and good, he wanted to self-aasure that what he did was not so bad, its in the perspective of the other people. Not always, its your conscience that you are dealing with everyday, not people. Its you trying to assure you that you didnt do anything wrong. But when you have wronged, you know it. So what can you do now? The damage is done right? Well, now you can be good to others in your life, who are present currently in your life. You can wish and maybe pray ( if you believe in god) that the wrong you have commited is forgiven with time. You can also pray or hope (if you have got any compassion) that the person you have hurt or bullied has healed or is going through healing process. When you wrong, its a wrong and it never becomes a right. And no the truth is not “we are all bad in someone’s story” sometimes we really did wrong to someone and thats why we feel within us the guilt and that guilt makes us post such quotes. Admit it to yourself that what you did was/ is wrong and try not to repeat it. Don’t fill your mind with fake realities of you being a good person and others failed to understand you, thats just foolish!



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