From the abyss of hidden stories, passion and desire,
She took life!
Is meant to explore her womanhood,
To help other women explore theirs,
She is journeying,
And she is a guide ,
Helping others cross over a ferry,
travel to their chosen path,
She blends in,
But she waits until she gives in,
Cause she want to be sure.
Her guilty pleasures,
Are just for her,
Its etched in the secret pages of her heart,
She does love life,
And life too loves her back,
Every bitterness inbetween makes her journey...
From the begining she knew one thing,
That her journey is never meant to be easy,
It is meant to be a ship admist a storm,
It is meant to be a child admist the darkness of the woods,
It is meant to be unique!