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Women uplifting Women

A small text from someone can bring a smile to your face. It doesnt have to be from the opposite sex at all. Its all about working with our ego and jealousy to genuinely start to appreciate the people around us. Have you ever thought sometimes one good word from your mouth might brighten up somebody’s day? Its true, it does.

Every human including me, wants to hear good things about oneself. But at the same time, we do have the negative emotions like why should I? Why? Why should I be the one to tell her/him all that? If I give one compliment then they might be on cloud nine and they might show off. Blocking all these thoughts in our head trust me, its hard. But not trying to be happy for someone or appreciating people occasionally is very unhealthy for us. Its like eating fries everyday.

I too deal with the negative emotions, but I always try to be happy for people when they get the things or do the things that i dont get to do. I will try to see the positivity in my life, its hard but if you practise it then its not too hard. I used to write down my good and bad qualities in a piece of paper, and carry it with me. And when I used to feel sad or bad or talentless or so damn negative, then I would take the piece of paper and read out all the good things that I wrote about me. That assures me what all good characteristics I possess. At the same time, when I feel invincible at some scenario, I do read out my improvement points and try to stay grounded. Being thankful for both the good and bad experiences that you get to experience in life is another way of staying grounded.

So all about this screenshot, I have added in the blog, well its women uplifting women, well thats modern women! There are appreciable qualities in us too, this screenshot proves that! This young girl have shared a message to me saying that she admires me, I look good in any dress I wears. She called me amazing. And it instantly brought a smile to my face and a warmth to my heart. I even though have a lot of confidence in my beauty and character, still feels down and low attimes like any other human. And sometimes these beautiful small notes from people around us can make a huge impact, it can bring the most priceless and genuine gift, a smile.

Its when you give that you really receive. Its when you appreciate that you grow ❤️🌸



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